Chapter 01

Born of A Timeless Era

Most of our team was born in the mid 1990’s. This was around the time when most Americans first experienced the internet. If you were around during those early dot com years, you’ll remember the “hissss-beep-beep-beep-skreeeeech-bzzzz-zzzzz” sounds your modem made as it connected to the internet. This was generally followed by the iconic “you’ve got mail” notification.
Chapter 02

The Gateway Drug

As kids, we spent a lot of time playing video games. They served as our introduction to computers. But soon, our passion spread to anything technology or internet related. We still remember staying home from school to watch the initial iPhone reveal, buying Zunes (yes, you read that right) to try Microsoft’s new music subscription service (RIP), and building our first websites hoping they’d somehow be discovered (spoiler: they were not).
Chapter 03

Coming of Age

Eventually, we grew up. We went to college and studied business, engineering, and design. We landed our first jobs in the technology industry. And then... we learned that work was nothing like what we thought it would be. We dreamt of creating new software that embodied the delight we experienced as kids in our favorite video games. We hoped to make our passion our profession. Instead, it was: “do this,” “don’t do that,” and “definitely don’t try anything new because we know what works already.” Our rose tinted glasses had officially shattered.
Chapter 04

The Spark

Soon, we realized that the corporate world wasn’t for us. We were misfits, artists, pirates... and we wanted to build something from the ground up. At first, we didn’t know what we wanted to make. But, we knew that whatever we made, we wanted it to spark joy and delight. That was the moment our brand was born.
Chapter 05

Our Journey Begins

We started building idea after idea, but nothing stuck. We weren’t passionate enough about the problems we were solving, so we’d lose interest even when they showed signs of life. During this period, we constantly complained about how slow, dull, and mediocre the core tools we used each day at work were. They felt soulless and stuck in the past. We knew we could do better.

Finally, we had found a problem we were passionate about solving. Soon, we had outlined our vision: to redesign the core tools used by billions of people around the world each day; to make them fast, beautiful, and engaging; and to bring delight to all who use our products and interact with our brand.
Chapter 06

Present Day

Today, we’re hard at work reimagining the core tools we (and you) use every day. Our aim is to build the next generation workspace, starting with your email. Decades after our first experiences on the internet, we’re looking to bring email (one of the first products we interacted with online all those years ago) into the 21st century. It’s about time for a fresh start. We believe in quality, and aim to build the best email experience ever made. Day by day, we’re getting there.
Chapter 07

Ready Player You

We can’t accomplish our vision without you. We hope you’ll give Tatem a try and join us as we work to make your work, and life, feel a bit less like work. Together, we can build something truly extraordinary.
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