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December 13, 2023

Toast Notifications

Toasts have been added throughout the product to provide confidence when actions are triggered, and to ensure a modern, interactive experience. If you hover upon a toast, you can click the "x" that will appear upon hover to make the toast disappear. And, for certain toasts, there are interactive elements (such as links) directly embedded in the toast itself so a user can easily see the link that was copied, and then visit that link with a single click if they so choose. We will continue to add toasts for all relevant features we ship moving forward, but for now here are the actions that generate a toast message:

  • Message Subject Copied
  • Sender’s Address Copied
  • Message URL Copied
  • Link Copied from Text Editor
  • Thread Archived / Restored from Archive
  • Thread Moved to Trash / Restored from Trash
  • Thread Marked as Spam / Unmarked as Spam
  • Thread Starred / Unstarred
  • Message Sent / Not Sent
  • Message Forwarded / Not Forwarded