
The best source of information for all new Tatem releases, updates, and improvements. Stay in the loop.

July 22, 2024

Improved Email Compatibility

Your email has never looked this good! We've supercharged our email rendering engine, ensuring more of your conversations display beautifully in their native format. From newsletters to personal notes to complex HTML, expect crisp layouts and intact designs right in your inbox. Plus, we're thrilled to be the first email client (ever) to responsively render your emails across viewports. Go ahead, check your inbox. We think you'll like what you see.

July 17, 2024

Redesigned Website

The first thing we built when we started Tatem was our website, not our product. We loved the original design (and so did many of you) but we felt that it was time for an update. So, we took a quick break from infrastructure and performance improvements (we'll share more on this in a future release) to ship a huge update to the website.

While we did take a couple of liberties on the website, we now essentially maintain a single design system across both the website and product. This will help us ship releases even faster in the future. We hope you like it!

June 26, 2024


The "first mile of product" is critical to introducing customers to a new product. Our aim is for these first steps to be magical for Tatem users. To this end, we've developed an end-to-end onboarding flow which helps new users setup their workspace, discover core features, and explore the command menu. We designed the new onboarding experience with interactivity in mind. We want new users to explore the product on their own in a hands-on sort of way, while also subtly learning the value that Tatem provides.

While we will require all new users to participate in onboarding calls as we continue learning more about our customers, this is the first step (of many) towards a self-serve approach. For now, we will walk users through the new onboarding flow and provide a brief tutorial during onboarding calls.

May 17, 2024

Updated View Options Menu

The View Options menu has received a fresh coat of paint. In addition to a full, simplified redesign of the entire menu, we've added an entirely new customization option: minimal grouping dividers. This new option replaces the in-line dividers with a single dynamic divider in the navigation bar. Additionally, we've made the entire menu entirely keyboard navigable.

April 25, 2024

Updated Compose Editor

Drafting, editing, and sending messages have been in need of a redesign for quite some time, so we rebuilt the compose editor from the ground up. In addition to redesigning the editor experience, we also added the option to open the compose editor as a full-screen page. This new option removes distractions and increases focus, perfect for drafting longer messages or creating multiple drafts.

Keyboard shortcuts have also been added throughout the entire editor experience. You can expand / minimize the compose editor by pressing Ctrl Shift F, show / hide the "CC BCC" rows by pressing Command Shift B, and toggle through the input sections of the compose modal using using Tab and Shift Tab making it even faster to draft and send messages.

April 16, 2024


Labels are now live! You can add a label to a conversation by pressing L, selecting “Add Labels” in the command menu, opening the right click menu, or accessing the more options menu. You can even type the name of an individual label directly into the command menu to find a specific label quicker. You can remove a label from a conversation by pressing Shift L, selecting "Remove Label" or “Change Labels” from the command menu, opening the right click menu, or accessing the more options menu.

We also added individual pages for each of your labels, so you can quickly find any conversation associated with an individual label. To open conversations with a specific label attached to them, you can select “Open Label” in the command menu and select a specific label, type the name of an individual label directly into the command menu, or visit the new labels page in settings. Finally, you can create a new label via the command menu or within settings in the new "Labels" page.

April 3, 2024

Upgraded Command Menu

Meet the new and improved command menu. The initial version enabled virtually every action in the application to be performed via keyboard or natural language. But, we wanted to add even more functionality, while also making it easier to find what you’re looking for. We accomplished this by grouping nested-commands underneath primary commands, while ensuring that nested commands remain directly actionable if searched. For example, a user can now search for “Profile” which is a nested command within “Account Settings” and execute it directly. Or, they can search for “Settings,” access the “Account Settings” nested menu, and then select “Profile” within that nested menu. Once you experience the change, you'll immediately realize what a huge change this is. It’s never been easier to use the command menu.

March 21, 2024

Bug Bash

For the past month, we’ve been working on a team-wide bug bash. The progress has been incredible to witness, and we're so excited at all the improvements we shipped. Generally, small fixes and changes are not significant enough to be featured in our releases. However, since this entire update is about bugs, we've outlined most of the individual updates in the below “Changelog."

Focusing exclusively on improving existing features has been such a success, that we're now planning another similar "bash" dedicated solely to performance. We'll likely post a similar release, so stay tuned.

February 26, 2024

Help Center

Need help? We’ve got you covered. Within the new help center, we’ve added embedded pages and links to a new keyboard shortcut cheat sheet, settings, our releases so you can see what’s new, and direct contact support links to report a problem, ask a question, or suggest an idea. As we release new features, we will continue to add links and content to the help center. Our goal is for it to be the single hub for all things documentation, help, and support.

You can open the help center by pressing ?, selecting “Open Help Center” in the command menu, or via the new account, settings, and support dropdown menu (which can be opened by clicking on your name / email address at the top of the left sidebar).

February 23, 2024

Contact Support Form

We love hearing from users, and with this release, we’re making it much easier for you to contact us. We’ve added a new contact support form, which has options to report a problem, ask a question, or suggest an idea. We even provided placeholder prompts for each option, so no matter what you’re contacting us about, it’s clear how best to frame your message. We aren't able to reply to every submission we receive, but we do read and thoughtfully consider each inbound message.

You can access the contact support form directly via the command menu by searching “Help,” “Contact Support,” or the individual form you’re looking for such as “Report Problem” or “Suggest Idea.” We will be adding additional ways to access the contact support form in our next release.

February 21, 2024

File Viewer

Our file viewer took much longer to build than we initially estimated. We assumed we’d use the native preview PDF functionality found in most applications, but it didn’t feel up to our quality standards when we tried it. So, we built a fully custom file viewer with native-but-better functionality. It’s got all the basics, and then some; zoom in, zoom out, fit to width, reset zoom, find in file, and of course, keyboard shortcuts. It looks great and feels even better to use.

While viewing a file you can: find specific content by pressing Command F or by clicking the search icon, print the document with Command P or by clicking the printer icon, download the file by clicking the download file icon, or open the file in a new tab via the more options button. To exit a file, press Esc or click the back button located at the top left of the viewer. Zoom options and the page number selector are conveniently located at the bottom center of the viewer, exactly where you'd expect them to be.

February 16, 2024

Right Sidebar

This is a BIG update. We’ve added a right sidebar to the user interface. The new sidebar acts as a dynamic heads-up display for the currently selected (or opened) conversation. It shows the sender’s avatar, name, email address, previous conversations, and website link. There’s also a button to refer the sender, which we hope you’ll use (a lot).

The right sidebar is currently hidden by default (subject to change), but you can show or hide it by pressing ], selecting “Show Right Sidebar” or “Hide Right Sidebar” in the command menu, or by clicking on the new right sidebar icon at the top right of the application.

We’ve found the new sidebar to be incredibly helpful for scanning high-level details about a specific sender. But, for those who prefer minimalism, you can choose to keep the right sidebar hidden. You can also hide the left sidebar by pressing [, or selecting "Hide Left Sidebar" in the command menu for a focus-centric interface.
