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October 3, 2023

Keyboard Navigation

We believe that you should get to choose how you interact with Tatem. The experience should be incredible whether you want to use your mouse or keyboard. This is especially important as the reality is that most of us utilize a mix of both mouse and keyboard input.

As a result of this goal, we’re pleased to announce that our entire product is now keyboard friendly. Below, we’ve outlined just a couple of the keyboard shortcuts we support. We consciously selected shortcuts you’re already familiar with from other modern productivity applications. So, you should feel right at home in Tatem. And, if Tatem is your first such application, they're really easy to pick up.

To view all keyboard shortcuts, simply press ? within the Tatem Mail application.


  • Move Up - or K
  • Move Down - or J
  • Move Right / Left - /
  • Jump to Top / Bottom - Command /
  • Back - Esc
  • Go to Inbox - G then I
  • Go to Starred - G then S
  • Go to Drafts - G then D
  • Go to Sent - G then T
  • Go to Archive - G then E
  • Compose Message - C
  • Reply - R
  • Reply All - Enter
  • Forward - F
  • Archive - E