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January 25, 2024

Keyboard Navigation in Dropdown Menus

You can now navigate dropdown menus via your keyboard. Simply open a dropdown (such as the right-click menu or the more options dropdown menu) and press or on your keyboard. The keyboard focus will initially move to the top row of the dropdown. From there, a user can move , make a selection by pressing Enter, move into sub-menus by pressing →, and then move back to the primary menu by pressing .

January 22, 2024

Message Details Drawer

There is now a drawer which can be opened on every message which includes who the message is from, who the message is to, any cc / bcc recipients, and the date (timestamp) the message was received. The drawer can be opened by clicking on the new expand button next to the sender’s name, or by pressing Command Shift O (you can also close the drawer with the same shortcut). This update makes it much faster to quickly open the drawer, check the details of a message, and then close the drawer once you're done.

January 19, 2024

Markdown Support

We now support most Markdown inputs in our text editor. Just enter the Markdown input via your keyboard, and it will automatically be converted into rich text. While we recently released our floating text editor toolbar which appears after you highlight a word or phrase, we wanted to provide flexibility so you can type how you want to. Below are the Markdown inputs we currently support:

January 15, 2024

New Text Editor Inputs

We’ve made some minor changes to our text editor to accommodate additional text-based inputs. Now, a user can create short and long arrows simply by pressing -> <- or --> <-- followed by Space. Similarly, a user can now create a longer dash by pressing followed by Space. While these are small improvements, we’re constantly working to create a text editor that handles every input you throw at it, the way you expect it to. That’s the perfect typing experience in our view. We may never achieve that milestone, but we’ll never stop trying. And, even if it’s not truly “perfect,” we’re confident we can deliver the best typing experience available. More text editor updates to come.

January 9, 2024

Bulk Actions Toolbar

While it’s been possible to select a thread since our earliest version of the product, we now have added a bulk actions toolbar that shows how many threads are currently selected, and then allows you to action multiple threads simultaneously.

As a refresher, you can select a thread by pressing: X, Shift + / , or Shift + Click.

January 4, 2024

Ability to Show and Hide Previous Message History (Trimmed Content)

There is now a quicker way to open and close the previous message history (aka “trimmed content”). We’ve provided a responsive, intuitive button for mouse users. And, for those who prefer their keyboard, they can simply press O to open the previous message history, and press O again to close the message history.

Pressing O can also be used to enter threads and expand collapsed messages (or collapse expanded messages) in a thread. While building this feature, we decided that O should represent “open” and do a bit more than just open / close the message history. So, now it essentially acts as a universal open button.

December 29, 2023

Right Click Menu

In keeping with our philosophy of providing an equally incredible user experience for both mouse and keyboard input, we’ve added a new menu that can be accessed by right click on any thread. Users can now action threads, copy important information (such as the subject or sender’s address), or open the command menu with that thread selected. This is a big improvement for users who prefer their mouse as it helps them get where they want to go faster.

December 22, 2023

Updated More Options Menu (3-Dot Dropdown)

The primary more options menu for each thread / message has now been updated to include additional options. Now, we allow you to take every action available directly from the more options menu. For example, you can now archive the message, delete it, mark it as spam... Even though we provide the ability to take many of these actions elsewhere, we wanted to provide a singular location for all actions for those who prefer their mouse. While we also provide an option to open the command menu directly from the more options menu, it’s quicker to access the most commonly-used actions directly. Tangentially related, we’ve added keyboard shortcut tooltips to the more options menu to quickly learn the basic keyboard shortcuts. Finally, hovering upon the more options menu now prompts a “More” tooltip to provide new users with quick context.

December 18, 2023

Visual Tags for Archived, Spam, and Trash Messages

For messages and threads that have been archived, marked as spam, or moved to trash, we wanted to provide a clear visual indication for the state of each message. So, we’ve added tags for: “Archived,” “Spam,” and “Trash.” Along with each of these tags is a matching restore button: “Restore from Archive,” “Mark Not Spam,” and “Restore from Trash.” We’ve found this system to be really helpful as there is now always clear context when opening or viewing a message or thread. You never need to wonder where that message is in your inbox, as we provide the answer clearly by default.

December 13, 2023

Toast Notifications

Toasts have been added throughout the product to provide confidence when actions are triggered, and to ensure a modern, interactive experience. If you hover upon a toast, you can click the "x" that will appear upon hover to make the toast disappear. And, for certain toasts, there are interactive elements (such as links) directly embedded in the toast itself so a user can easily see the link that was copied, and then visit that link with a single click if they so choose. We will continue to add toasts for all relevant features we ship moving forward, but for now here are the actions that generate a toast message:

December 5, 2023

Hyperlink Submenu

Links now have a home in Tatem. While we shipped basic hyperlink functionality along with the text editor a couple weeks ago, we wanted to double down and ensure that the process of creating, copying, clicking, or removing a link was as seamless as the rest of the text editor. So, we went ahead and built out a dynamic hyperlink submenu for the text editor which has a state for entering links, but also a state for viewing and interacting with previously-created links. This second, interactive state makes editing, visiting, copying, or removing a link truly delightful.

November 28, 2023

Text Editor Submenus with Keyboard Navigation

Something we intended to ship with the Text Editor release (but didn’t quite make it due to some pesky bugs) was our text editor submenus. Thankfully, they’re now ready for primetime. Now, you can quickly navigate into the text editor's submenus to highlight, color, or resize text. And, you can do so via your keyboard if you so choose. Simply press the appropriate keyboard shortcut to open the submenu, press Enter, use your arrow keys to move / , make a selection by pressing Enter again, or return to the main text editor menu by pressing Esc. It’s intuitive, fast, and feels great - we can’t wait for you to try it.
